
Fixed a language switching issue with the previous version
Fixed a problem with MP4 recording caused by the previous version

Note: applicable to any version after 20210123


Add remote access video encoder function (use method)
Added custom layout design interface for video decoding mixed output
Optimize decoding compatibility
Optimized decoding fluency (synchronous mode)
Resolved an issue where the network input source could not be recoded after being restarted
Enhance HDMI input stability

Note: applicable to any version after 20210123


Enc1-v2 adds remote control operation support
Entini improves stability
Optimize the file recording interface
Fix CSS Settings in the Web that conflict with OEM packages
The language selection is stored on the device and is no longer entirely dependent on cookies[3520D] Solves the problem of abnormal HDMI input resolution or audio frequency in some cases of the 1029 version[3531D] Solves the problem that OLED programs cause excessive CPU usage
Resolved an issue that could cause the HDMI output resolution to decrease when the device is repeatedly rebooted in the 1029 version

Note: applicable to any version after 20200507,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Added ENC1-V2 models
Enhanced HDMI compatibility
The button function can be turned off
Fixed the ENCSH reset issue
Fixed a few cases where the page did not have a preview
Fixed packet loss with probability in RTSP high rate

Note: applicable to any version after 20200507,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Added ENC1-V2 models
Enhanced HDMI compatibility
The button function can be turned off
Fixed the ENCSH reset issue
Fixed a few cases where the page did not have a preview
Fixed packet loss with probability in RTSP high rate

Note: applicable to any version after 20200507,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Fixed issue where NDI authorization was cleared after upgrade

Note: applicable to any version after 20200402,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Fix the latency time unit for SRT
Turn on 3520D watchdog

Note: applicable to any version after 20200402,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Added 4G module support
Fixed an issue with abnormal reconnection when opening multiple SRT channels

Note: applicable to any version after 20200402,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Fixed the WiFi management page

Note: applicable to any version after 20200402,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect


Modify the SRT interface
Added support for WiFi modules
Fixed Overlay custom exception issues

Note:Firmware applies to all versions prior to 20200426,Some functional encoder systems need to be restarted twice before they can take effect